John (Jack) Greaves

Bro. John (Jack) Greaves

Member of Medina Lodge 35   Cowes Masonic Hall


Jack passed away on 25/6/16 aged 86.

He was WM of Medina Lodge No. 35  2002 - 2003, Lodge Almoner for a time and appointed PPJGD 2009

Jack was part of the Island community for many years, but he was born 86 years ago in Blackburn, the third child in a family of two girls and four boys.

As a lad, wearing clogs, he would play football in the street, later his involvement in the game led to him being a referee.

Leaving school, he worked in the boot and shoe trade, both before and after his National Service in the Army.


Jack joined the Police Force, but eventually had to leave because of injury. He married Sheila and they had two children, Wendy and Graham.

Jack parted from them and eventually married Val. They ended up here on the Island and for some years ran a successful newsagents in Lake, before retiring to Gurnard.

In some ways a quiet and private man, Jack was never the less involved in many activities, sailing, bowls, he also took up golf with enthusiasm and ended up as Captain of Cowes Golf Club.

He was also an active Freemason and member of Cowes Probus Club. 

Jack’s life had its sadness as well as happiness, Val’s death left him somewhat lost at times, and age and infirmity brought him to a nursing home where he passed away on 25th June.