Page 20 - Needles Lodge 2838 History
P. 20
The charity collection was recorded for the first time in metric
currency, the amount being £8.75p.
April 1972 - Notice of the Isle of Wight Bi-Centenary Festival in
October was circulated to all lodge members.
January 1973 - Bro. H. D. Kendrick PPGStwd obtained a Needles
Lodge founders jewel to be worn by each Ruling Master during
his year of office, (this practice continues to this day).
December a petition was submitted for a warrant for the
formation of a new Lodge (West Wight).
October 1974 - A minute book and attendance register were
presented to West Wight Lodge No. 8570 by the Worshipful
Master to mark its consecration on 15 June 1974.
May 1975 - It was announced that W. Bro. McClean
PPGSuptWks, the Needles Lodge Organist, had completed 50
years in the lodge and had been its Organist for 37 of them.(he
went on to do another three years, making it 40 in total).
February 1980 - An invitation was received from Vectis Fairway
Lodge No. 8923 to attend their Consecration Ceremony (Needles
Lodge and Vectis Fairway Lodge have reciprocal visits annually
to this day).
At the March meeting a ballot for the first honorary member of
the Lodge W. Bro. F.A. McClean PPGSuptWks, for 54 years
unbroken service in Needles Lodge proved favourable.
May 1982 two blood brothers were Initiated (C.J. and N.M.