Page 4 - Needles Lodge 2838 History
P. 4

This lodge was established to meet the convenience of a

       considerable number of Freemasons residing at Freshwater and

       surrounding areas, many of whom would have belonged to

       Needles Mother Lodge Albany No. 151 whose meeting place was

       and indeed still is Newport, in the centre of the island.

                                     The Early Years 1901-1914

       It was on Friday 17 May 1901 that the then Provincial Grand

       Master of Hampshire and Isle of Wight, the Rt. W. Bro. The Rt.

       Hon. W. W. Bramston-Beach MP visited Freshwater

       accompanied by his Provincial Officers performed the

       consecration ceremony.

       By the foresight and enterprise of the 13 founders, a building

       called “Illawarra” in Avenue Road; Freshwater had already been

       acquired containing adequate facilities to cover their needs. The

       Master elect was W. Bro F. W. Chaine Past Master of 1159 and

       Acting Immediate Past Master W. Bro. A. Dashwood a Past

       Master of 698. There were 17 other lodges represented: No’s 35,

       151, 175, 195, 319, 336, 551, 694, 698, 1008, 1373, 1834, 1869,

       1883, 1884, 2153 and 2169.

       Once installed the Master carried proceeded with lodge business

       including the appointment of a committee to frame bylaws and

       receive some propositions for initiation of new members. It is

       interesting to note, that there was even a meeting held on

       Christmas Day, commencing at 3 pm, just for minutes and

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