Page 9 - Needles Lodge 2838 History
P. 9
At an emergency meeting in May 1918, there was a ballot for
three candidates and reference made to the ‘Book of
Constitutions’ that only two initiations were permitted at any one
meeting. This reference was we think refers to a July 1916
meeting, when five ceremonies took place: two initiations, two
passings and one raising all on the same day!
Between The Wars
In April 1919, a proposal to investigate the cost of a banner as a
fitting memorial to the “peace year” was carried.
1920 proved to be a very busy year as there were seven
emergency meetings. In all, there were 17 – 1st-degree
ceremonies (25 candidates), 14 – 2nds (25 candidates) and 16 –
3rd-degree ceremonies (29 candidates). Six of the ceremonies had
two candidates in each degree.
For the first time at the January meeting, a reference to “Absent
Brethren” appeared on the summons, to be given at 11 pm
precisely (for brethren still overseas due to the war). There was no
repeat of this edict that was until January 1950 and no recorded
reason for its reinstatement. It has continued ever since at 10 pm
to this day.
In June 1920, W. Bro. H. Marfleet retired as Secretary after
having served 14 years in that office. At the meeting, it was
proposed to purchase a unique jewel of suitable design for
presentation to him.